Budget roundup – January

In the interests of getting through some stash, I’m aiming to spend only $365 on clothing and sewing this year. This doesn’t count purchases for gifts, so this might be a particularly generous year! Here’s the January damage:

  1. On New Year’s eve I had a bit of an internet shopping binge and bought $130 worth of tights. On New Year’s day I decided these could only fairly count as a 2014 purchase, since they’ll be worn this year. Yowch, that’s over a third of my whole budget. 
  2. 1.2m of black merino/nylon/elastane for yoga pants, The Fabric Store 40% off sale, $18. Already made up! I love them.
  3. Cable ties for Nailed It skirt, $2 shop in the city, $2.
  4. Papercut Bellatrix blazer pattern, The Fabric Store, $30.
  5. Remnant from The Fabric Store for blazer lapels, $4.
  6. Another remnant from The Fabric Store, fusible interfacing intended for blazer, $5.
  7. Buttons from Trademe, $3, aren’t they lovely? Into the stash.

January total: $192. 
Remaining: $173. Roll on Frugal February. 

6 thoughts on “Budget roundup – January

    • The scary thing is, even without the tights it’s well over. But before now I had no idea how much I spent on clothes and sewing (hence the unrealistic budget). The next five things in my queue are all stash fabric (and one’s a UFO). I have plenty of thread and interfacing. Just have to stay focused.

      • staying focused… that is always my problem. I got a Joann’s sale flier in the mail the other day… all that spells is trouble for me!

  1. That is a really tight budget, especially when you are counting all things not just fabric. Good luck – although I should really so something similar as I haven’t been able to pass up a good sale lately!!

    • Thanks – and there are so many sales lately! It’s like being on a regular diet – I just have to remember that there will always be more lovely fabric. I must say I am looking forward to fabric-a-brac.

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